CONSTITUTION “Pear-shaped” with a pronounced gluteal area and thinner in the upper part of the body
FAT LOCALIZATION Mainly on their buttocks, but also on the hips and on the external part of the thighs
DIETARY PREFERENCES Sweets and treats of all kinds
ENERGY LEVEL Cold, great energy and resistance, does not stop even when tired
PERSONALITY Quite introverted and not very assertive, gets stressed if does not have his/her own space and moments to dedicate exclusively to him/herself
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC Strong in the lower part of the body and weak in the upper part
GENDER It is a morphology that predominate in the female sex, but can also be found in men in case of high levels of estrogens

The overweight hypolipolytic individual features a remarkable difference between the upper part of the body, less developed, and the lower part, more developed. Even when overweight, he/she still maintains a thin waist and the fat is mainly accumulated on the gluteal muscles and on the hips.


The hypolipolytic individual on his/her target weight still features a difference in the development of the upper and lower part of the body

The Hypolipolytic people have the typical “pear-shaped” body with fat accumulation in the lower part of the body.

This individual has a slow metabolism where the prevailing system is the parasympathetic system, an insulin stimulator. The pear shape is typical of women and of men that produce excessive insulin, excessive estrogens and little testosterone. The role of insulin is to store energy in the form of fat accumulated on the abdomen, pelvis and thighs to guarantee survival in case of a possible shortage and, in the case of women, to be able to supply the body with the needed fat for producing milk after pregnancy.

The hypolipolytic individual normally also has a slow thyroidal metabolism and this, morphologically, makes for swollen legs and ankles and big calf muscles. As the hypolipolytic subject has a slow oxidative fat metabolism due to the weak action of the thyroid and the pituitary gland, we need to limit the dietary supply of fats. We actually have to distinguish between “good” and “bad” fats. The fats to avoid are mostly the saturated ones, above all hydrogenated fats and, to some extent, polyunsaturated omega 6 fatty acids.

In the gynoid individual with fat accumulation mostly in the thigh and gluteal muscle areas, we need to facilitate the elimination of the estrogens. This can be achieved by stimulating the hepatic functions. Thus, fats should not be avoided completely, at least not the right ones such as olive oil and omega 3; where there is localized fat in these areas, low-fat diets even have a counterproductive effect. In fact, they lead to reabsorption of fat in the abdomen, face and breasts (normally not particularly developed in these subjects), leaving the fat on the gluteal muscle and on the external part of the thighs practically untouched. In this way it actually increases the disproportion and makes fat accumulation in that area even more evident.


The gynoid individual would easily adjust to a vegetarian diet which can efficiently stimulate both the hypophysis and the thyroid. Even when following a vegetarian diet, proteins cannot be left out, and can be eaten in the form of eggs, legumes, tofu and low-fat dairy products. Also a moderate consumption of fish and poultry is possible. Therefore, to sum up, the diet must include a lot of vegetables and fruit, a moderate carbohydrate share, principally from whole grains gluten free, no saturated or hydrogenated fats, while olive oil and omega 3 (walnuts and fish) are allowed, with moderate amounts of low-fat dairy products, poultry and fish, and no red meat.

Percentage of macronutrients in the diet